Information notice pursuant to EU Regulation 2016/669

1. Introduction

This section contains some information on the management of personal data by NOI International Consulting, in particular what concerns management of website user data.

This information notice is important in order to ensure personal information protection of those interact with website. NOI International Consulting is particularly careful to protect the users personal data.

In some specific cases, NOI International Consulting treats personal data provided by users, collaborators or partners. These data are in no way usable or viewable by other sites, organizations or companies without a specific authorization of  legitimate owner of such data .

Main categories of processed data include:
– Contact information: name, role, company, phone, email address and postal address.
– Commercial information: data related to the services provided by NOI International Consulting.
– Navigation information: cookies.

NOI International Consulting does not collect or process information that may reveal racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical convictions, state of health and in general information that can discriminate against those concerned.

The purpose of this document is also to provide information on the manner, timing and nature of the information that the site engine provides to users when connecting to a web page, regardless of the purpose of the link, the nature of the data and the information personal data collected online.

2. Data processing


When you browse , data related to identifiable people may be processed for the services provided by the company NOI International Consulting and used for browsing experience improvements, such as identifying the user’s language or more complex services.

These data controller and processing administrator is Salvatore Cammarata and is based in:

US International Consulting Co., Ltd.
R M. Room 2107, Tower 2, Centro Lippo, 89 Queensway, Admiralty, Hong Kong


Appointed by the data administrator to manage, protect personal information and maintain  website.


The processing of data generated using  takes place at the headquarters of the data controller with the intervention of the person delegated by him. If necessary, data relating to the newsletter service can be processed by the manager or by a person designated by the central office.

Data processing


Cookies are small amounts of data sent by our web server to the browser and then stored on your computer’s hard drive. So, as soon as you make a subsequent connection, the cookie will be read again and recognized by the website. As part of a personalized service, our website uses cookies to store and sometimes keep track of some personal information provided by users.

We remind you that the browser is a software which allows you to quickly access the network by viewing and transferring the above described information (and no other information) from the computer’s hard drive. If your browser is set to accept cookies, any website can send cookies to your browser, but in order to protect privacy, it can only detect content sent from the site itself, but not from other sites on the browser.

The cookies used on our website are as follows:

_gat: this cookie does not save any user information. It is used to limit the number of requests to basic Google Analytic functions. Google Analytic is used by NOI International Consulting only for statistical information on site accesses.
_ga: this cookie creates a Client ID field, a unique string generated randomly and saved in a dedicated browser folder so that the next visits to our website are correctly associated with the same user. No user information is saved and the code does not allow to trace user in any way.
displayCookieConsent: at first website access, this cookie enables the browser to show the cookie usage pop-up.
pll_language: it stores memorizes site language choice.

Navigation data

The computer systems and software programs running on this website acquire certain personal data during normal operation and the transmission of such personal data is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols.

This information in general is not directly associated with the website user, but rather processed and correlated with data held by a third party.
This data includes the IP address or domain name of the computer used by the user connected to the website, the URI representation of the requested resource address, the time of the request, the method used to send the request to the server, the size of the file obtained as an answer, the numeric code of the response status provided by the server and other parameters relating to the operating system, the type of device and the type of browser used.

These data are used only to obtain anonymous statistical information on the use of the website, to check its correct functioning and are deleted it as soon as it is processed.

Data can be used for investigations by  police personnel. In any case, network contact data will not last more than seven days.

Data provided by the user

They are entirely optional, they do not constitute any constraint. Sending an e-mail to the address indicated on this website, including the sender’s e-mail address for subsequent reply and any other personal information contained in the e-mail, has the sole purpose of providing the requested support and will not be disclosed to third parties for any reason or purpose.

In the same way, the information provided using the website forms, for contact request or newsletters signing up, is entirely optional. This information is only intended to provide the requested support and will not be disclosed to third parties for any reason or purpose.

Specific requests for summary information will be reported or explicitly displayed on the website page in order to provide special services.

3. Optional data processing

The user is always free to provide additional personal information in addition to those are strictly necessary for navigation.
On the other hand, the lack of such information could lead to the inability to obtain what is required.

4. Data processing and storage methods

Personal data are processed using automatic tools necessary for collection. They won’t provided to third parties without the written consent of the owner.

Personal data are stored only for the time necessary to achieve the aforementioned purposes and deleted once the purpose of the processing has ceased. The criteria used to determine the retention period take into consideration the obligations deriving from the current legislation.

5. Rights of related parts

Information on content, origin, accuracy of the data provided, as well as their confirmation, updating or correction, may be consulted or requested by the data owner. Likewise, every data owner has the right to request the deletion or conversion into anonymous form of not legitimately acquired data. The data owner can refuse the processing also if for legitimate reasons.

The request must be made in the following ways:

– via e-mail, to the address:

– by post mail to the following address:
NOI International Consulting Co., Ltd.
Sala 2107, Torre 2, Centro Lippo, 89 Queensway, Ammiragliato, Hong Kong

The concerned person is entitled to submit a complaint to the Supervisory Authority.